Online Auction

Online auctions mirror traditional auctions and usually involve multiple bidder participation. In both scenarios, bidders buy tangible and intangible products and services. Starting bids are typically lower than the expected final value but increase at steady rates to meet market demand and item popularity. The time span of an online auction ranges from one to 10 to 30 days for items offered 24/7 national or worldwide.

Online auctions include business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C) auctions.

Online auctions are a widely accepted business model for the following reasons:

  • No fixed time constraint giving ample time for buyers to discover the auction  and research items or tell a friend that collects or needs a particular item in the auction.
  • No geographical limitations, local in-person auctions typically attract the same buying crowd while online has a much larger base of buyers to pull from Nationally and/or Internationally.
  • Includes a large numbers of bidders, which encourages a high-volume of bids for items

Why Timed Online Auctions

When using the timed auction method, there is a defined time to sell the property with a determined end day and hour.

  • As the auction progresses toward set end time, bidders start feeling a sense of urgency
  • Bidders have the opportunity to raise their bid amount when outbidded.

Register to bid

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  1. Click the link below
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  3. You are ready to bid, Good Luck!

Preview auction items

Our timed auctions have a typical online preview period of 2 weeks.

  • This gives ample time to gain the largest pool of buyers interested in items being offered up for auction.

Check the schedule and bid

Florida Auctions Calender Auction Preview

  • timed auction ends at the time specified by Florida Auctions.
  • Extended bidding may occur if additional bids are placed in the last five minutes of the auction. This is to prevent last-minute bidders from sniping the lot, and to give all bidders a fair chance to acquire the piece.